Title: Mystic U: Final Exams
Author: Julia Talbot
Publisher: Changeling Press
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-60521-473-3
Genre: Paranormal/Werewolves
Length: Short Novella
Author Email: juliatalbot@gmail.com
Rating: 4 Diamonds
Heat Level: Spicy
Other: Ménage, bisexual
Reviewer: S. K. Fero
Date: 9-21-10
Book three in the Mystic U series. It would be good to read the first two books that set up the ménage relationship, but not absolutely necessary.
The Wolf Creek pack of werewolves is being threatened and the pack alpha, Logan, is gearing up to go after the rogue werewolf responsible. He is worried about everyone, especially Danny, Lee, and Heather who are attending Mystic U. While worrying about their safety, a prissy professor comes to see Logan to warn him away from handling the situation in what she sees as the wrong way. He’s annoyed with her, and yet…
Allie realizes she has made a mistake in trying to reason with the pack alpha leader. But it is more than his unwillingness to accept her reasoning that worries her. She’s never been drawn to alphas, until now, and she really doesn’t want to be now.
The characters are fairly well developed in this story, but I’m sure if you read the first two books, you would understand more of their background. The plot clearly continues from the other books. Yet this book was enjoyable by itself.
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