Title: Blood Ritual
Author: L. Rosario
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Publication Date: 2006
Genre: Paranormal/Vampire
Length: 23 pages
Rating: 3.5 Diamonds
Heat Level: Erotic
Other: Oral
Reviewer: Starla Kaye
Date: 10-10-10
Just how far is a woman willing to go to prove her love of a man?
Sylvia loves a master vampire and wants to be his queen and with him forever. She has to give up her life and all that she knows to do this, but can she do it?
Dante has never given his name to anyone in his coven, never trusted anyone enough. Yet when the woman to become his queen asks it of him, he must decide exactly how much he loves and trusts her.
This story was very short and sensually erotic. There wasn’t a lot of character development, but both main characters faced a significant conflict. My wish is that the story had been longer to let the reader better understand the characters and what had led to this moment. It felt a bit rushed.
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