Title: Vamptations 2
Author: Kara Griffin, Ravyn Reccio, Megan Hussey, Taylor Evans
Publisher: Midnight Showcase
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN: 978-0-557-42623-2
Genre: Paranormal
Length: 153
Author Website: http://karagriffin.webs.com/, http://ravynreccio.blogspot.com/, http://goldenmuse.tripod.com/
Author Email: karagrif66@comcast.net, ravynreccio@gmail.com, goldenmuse@lycos.com, mssubmissions@gmail.com
Rating: 3 Diamonds
Heat Level: Erotic
Other: Oral, Anal
Reviewer: Cassandra Parker
Date: October 6, 2010
Night Nibbles
Candra is on the run from her abusive ex Drevvin and is seeking out a savior in Talkeetna, Alaska. She knows the only one who can help her is Steffin. Only his strength and determination to reclaim his will overthrow Drevvin’s rule.
Seth Black has been on his own for 500 years and cannot believe his former betrothed Constancia has arrived in town. He had managed to remain hidden and removed from the kingdom of the Dark Kindred but will his lost love help him to realize his destiny?
Vampyric Dreams
Every night for 7 years Gabrielle has dreamed of a mysterious vampire lover. The dreams are incredibly vivid and are starting to affect her day to day living and her health. Micah has been searching for his mate and future Queen for 300 years and has finally located her. Micah lost her and his kingdom long ago but now he has a chance to recapture everything. He has been trying to trigger Gabrielle’s memories of their past life together but with poor results. Will Micah be able to help Gabrielle remember before it’s too late for her and their kingdom?
Song of the Vamp
Antonia has become increasingly frustrated with the singer she manages. She can’t reach him during the day, any business dinner they have together is mobbed by fans and he always orders these disgusting bloody steaks. Of course that doesn’t lessen his attractiveness. Will Antonia finally have the courage to change her relationship with her star?
Once the Sun Goes Down
Both Jacob and Dahlia are on the prowl and get quite the surprise when they find each other.
Overall the stories in this book were not well matched. The first story, Night Nibbles, tried to do a lot with very little space. The story had a lot of potential to be interesting and was a different take on vampires but the plot was rushed and the ending wasn’t very climatic. I would have felt more comfortable with Candra and Seth as a couple if I had been given the opportunity to see their relationship from the beginning. I feel that without this basis their relationship is a little lacking.
Vampyric Dreams was the hardest story for me. The dialogue is overly dramatic and unappealing. Every conversation between the hero and heroine were completely unrealistic. Gabrielle and her best friend had a good dynamic and were fun to read, but Micah was too one dimensional to be the hero. The villain had more going for him than the hero.
Song of the Vamp was the best story of the bunch but I would have liked to have read Sylvan’s viewpoint of the story. It was an interesting take on a vampire story with a vampire who actually has a job and isn’t just living on his/her wealth. Considering the length of the story the previous relationship of the characters makes their interactions flow better, and the relationship developed naturally.
Once the Sun Goes Down wasn’t really much of anything because it was only 13 pages. It didn’t leave an impression on me because it was so quick and the characters just met and hooked up. I would recommend skipping this one entirely. It didn’t really make any sense.
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